Lymphomas are disorders caused by malignant proliferations of lymphocytes.
These accumulate in the lymph nodes causing lymphadenopathy, but may also be found in peripheral blood or infiltrate organs.
Lymphomas are histologically divided into Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's types.
In Hodgkin's lymphoma, characteristic cell with mirror image nuclei are found, called Reed - stenberg cells.
SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE: - -Often presents with enlarged, painless, non-tender, rubbery, superficial lymph nodes (typically cervical 60-70%), also axillary or inguinal nodes.
Node size may increase and decrease spontaneously and nodes can become matted.
Pel-ebstein fever implies a cyclical fever with long periods (15-28 days) of normal or low temperature: it is, at best, rare.
SIGNS: - Lymph node enlargement. Also cachexia, anaemia, spleno-or hepatomegaly.
TESTS: - Tissue diagnosis: Lymph node excision biopsy if possible. Image guided needle biopsy,Laparotomy or mediastinoscopy may be needed to obtain a sample.
EMERGENCY PRESENTATIONS: - Infection, SVC obstruction -JVP increased, sensation of fullness in the head, dyspnoea, blackouts, facial oedema.
In Homoeopathic mode of treatment the focus is not on curing only the disease but to cure the person who is sick to restore the health. Homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person,as well as his pathological condition.